HRL Rules
- Competition Method: 5 vs. 5 (Team Play, 5 players).
- CM, -CD, -AP, -RD modes that will be played.
- About -AP mode: Teams will decide which claims first pick or sides pick after the coin toss(-Roll). Both teams will be allowed to take out 4 heroes from the pool of heroes before drafting starts. This will work based on a 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 format. Teams must ban 4 heroes each, before they start the game.
Host, observers
- Allowed
In game rules
- If one team is incomplete (i.e. 4 players or less) the other team may claim the win. If both teams agree, the game(s) may be played with less than 10 players and uneven teams.
- Any team has the right to pause game for up to 5 minutes, but only with a proper countdown of at least 3 seconds. A maximum of 2 pauses per team are allowed per game. A team is also obliged to give a countdown of at least 3 seconds before unpausing.
Disciplinary Actions:
Flaming Level 1: Foul language and bash-talking 1 warn, 2 hour timeban. Flaming Level 2: Excessive flaming, spamming, and harassing 2 warns, 1 day timeban.
Flaming Level 3: Flaming or degrading DXD League or any of its staff members 3 warns, a timeban ranging from a minimum of 2 days to shitlist depending on severity.
Bad team play is defined as any actions in the game which are detrimental towards the well-being of the team and the overall goal of winning the game 4 warns, 2 day timeban max.
Truant: Randomly not joining game you signed 3 warns, 4 hour timeban.
Intentional Truant: Intentionally not joining game you signed or leaving. before 5 minutes AKA "tanking truant" 4 warns, 4 hour timeban.
Leaving game under any circumstances 4 warns, 1 day timeban.
Drop 4 warns.
Item Pooling: taking items from a dropper/leaver also constitutes pooling. 4 warns, 4 day timeban.
Creep Blocking
(Earthshaker is NO LONGER ALLOWED to block creeps from entering inside the base OR from exiting the base. Which means you are no longer allowed to block at the ramps which diverts the creeps path from moving forward.) 2 warns.
Observer Dropping/Leaving Game (causing server split). DO NOT OBS IF YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE/DROP 4 warns, 2 day timeban
Spamming bots with no malicious intent: 5 or more commands within 2 mninutes 2 hour timeban.
Picking a hero from another persons circle of power: 3 warns and 1 day timeban.
Game Play Rules:
- Backdooring is allowed, if tower is under 300 hit points.
- BD is only not allowed with Furion.
Sharing of Items:
- Sharing of item is allowed as long as the game permits.
- It is not allow to suicide to pass Rapier.
Sharing of Control:
- Sharing Control is allowed only for purchasing item for a short period of time. It is allowed to share for animal courier;
- Item Restriction:
The following item restriction applies
Each team may only have two Mekansm
Each team may only have two Necronomicon
Each team may only have one Refresher Orb
Each team may only have two Orchid of Malevolence
Each team may only have two Shiva’s
Each team may only have one ArcaneRing
Each team may only have two Guinsoo
Each team may only have one Eul's Scepter of Divinity
A maximum of two Khadgar's pipe of Insight are allowed per team
- Creep skipping is not allowed(Axe + Kunnka/Axe+ Dazzle combos).
Abuses & Exploitation
Pause Abuse (Warning or Game Loss):
- Pausing without any valid reason is disallowed.
Creep Blocking (Warning or Game Loss):
-Creep blocking permanently is not allowed but creep slowing/delay or luring is allowed.
-It's not allowed to block the base entrance with the fissure
Bugs Exploitation (Warning, Game Loss or Disqualification):
- Anything abnormal which will give a player/team an unfair advantage.
- Anything which will cause interruption/fatal error to the game.
- Completely closing any entrance to a base using the Earthshaker’s Fissure spell is forbidden.
- Any kind of cheat is strictly prohibited. Warkeys/Dotakeys are allowed.
- APM Boosters are allowed.
"Creep support" means that the tower is in range of attacking creeps - even if the creeps do not choose to attack the tower or vice versa.
Admins are the responsible for the proper conduct of the league. You can refer to admins for any question/problem related to the league.
Admins have the right to make decisions about the tournament and the games, admins' decisions are unquestionable.